Welcome to Our God-Bathed Life...
Jesus didn't "just" die for us, but He lives for us, too. We would find ourselves in a strange in-between place if this weren't so: sins atoned for but without life with God.
He said He came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being. It is in Him that all of creation is held together. It is in Him we live. He lives in us as well. Isaiah's seraphim call out that the whole earth is filled with the glory of God precisely because it is filled with the presence of God.
God is present and active in His creation. Jesus tells us that eternal life is knowing God. Eternal life is abundant life. And we are invited to share in that life. We are invited to abide in Him, with Him, right here, and right now. In His great commission, he reminds us that both His mission and His plan is "with". Always "with".
Therefore we are focused on the relational reality of the with-God life.
Welcome to Our God Bathed Life!
(John 3:16-17, John 10:10, Acts 17:28, Colossians 1:17 (NASB), John 14:20, John 5:24, Isaiah 6:3, John 17:3, Ephesians 2:10, John 15:5, Matthew 28:18-20)
*** For the God-curious, new Christian, not-yet-Christian, not sure what to think about the whole God thing, or anyone similar, you are especially welcomed here and you are valued. Feel free to check out the site, or click here for a page of Our God Bathed Life made specifically with you in mind. ***

Video podcasts maybe coming soon-ish.

The latest podcast is "Morning Prayer: To Start the Day" and can be heard on our podcast page by clicking here.